parse_str($parm); global $tp,$sql,$post_info,$forum,$meta;; include_lan(e_PLUGIN.'tagcloud/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_tagcloud.php'); //$TAGS =""; require_once(e_PLUGIN.'tagcloud/tagcloud_class.php'); $tagcloud = new e107tagcloud; if (check_class($pref['tags_adminmod'])) {$TAGMOD=TRUE;} else {$TAGMOD=FALSE;} $posturl = e_SELF."?".e_QUERY; //$a = e_QUERY;$b = e_SELF; $id = $pageID; //$TAGS .= "Query: $a"; //$TAGS .= "Self: $b"; //$TAGS .= "ID: $id"; //------------------------------------- //-- set type and find id field //--- NEED TO MAKE THIS GENERIC //detect news page: if($news_item = getcachedvars('current_news_item')) {$Tag_Item_ID = $news_item['news_id']; $Tag_Type = 'news';} //detect page if(e_PAGE=='page.php'){ $tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY); $Tag_Item_ID = intval($tmp[0]); $Tag_Type = 'page'; } //detect download view if(e_PAGE=='download.php'){ $tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY); $Tag_Item_ID = intval($tmp[1]); $Tag_Type = 'download'; } //detect forum if(e_PAGE=='forum_viewtopic.php'){ if ($post_info['user_id'] != '0' && $post_info['user_name'] === USERNAME && check_class($pref['tags_usermod'])){$TAGMOD=TRUE;} $posturl = e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."#post_{$post_info['thread_id']}"; $Tag_Item_ID = $post_info['thread_id']; $Tag_Type = 'forum'; } //detect content if(e_PAGE=='content.php'){ $tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY); $Tag_Item_ID = intval($tmp[1]); $Tag_Type = 'content'; } //----------------------------------- //-- update tags if ($TAGMOD){ $upd = 'tagupdate'.$Tag_Item_ID; $tgs = 'tags'.$Tag_Item_ID; if (isset($_POST[$upd])) { $tagcloud->tags_to_db($_POST[$tgs],$Tag_Type,$Tag_Item_ID); } } //----------------------------------- // get tag list //this gets wrapped in a table $TAGS .= ""; $query = "SELECT A.* FROM #tag_main A JOIN #tag_config B on A.Tag_Type = B.Tag_Config_Type WHERE B.Tag_Config_OnOffFlag = 1 and Tag_Item_ID = ".$Tag_Item_ID." and Tag_Type ='".$Tag_Type."' ORDER BY Tag_Rank"; if ($sql->db_select_gen("$query")) { while ($othertags = $sql->db_fetch()) { $link = $tagcloud->MakeSEOLink($othertags['Tag_Name']); $TAGS .= "".preg_replace("#_#"," ",$othertags['Tag_Name'])."   "; $EDITLIST .= $com.preg_replace("#_#"," ",$othertags['Tag_Name']); $com = ','; $meta .= $othertags['Tag_Name'].' '; } } else { if($pref['tags_autogen']) { //auto generate tags if there are none: if (e_PAGE=='news.php') { $news_item = getcachedvars('current_news_item'); $param = getcachedvars('current_news_param'); $ystring = $tp -> toHTML($news_item['news_body'], TRUE, 'parse_sc, fromadmin', $news_item['news_author']); } elseif (e_PAGE=='forum_viewtopic.php') { //uncomment to auto gen on your forum - read the note in the readme before doing this! //$ystring = $post_info['thread_thread']; } //else {continue;} //caused an error $keywords = $tagcloud->yahoo_keywords($ystring); $limit = 0; $time = time(); if ($keywords) { foreach ($keywords as $word) { if ($limit>=$pref['tags_peritem']){continue;} if (strlen($word)<=$pref['tags_minlen']){continue;} $needle = ','.$word.','; $haystack = ','.$pref['excludelist'].','; $word = preg_replace ("#\s#","_",$word); //echo "$needle and $haystack"; $pos = strpos($haystack,$needle); if ($pos===false){ $limit++; $cnt++; $sql->db_insert("tag_main","null,".$Tag_Item_ID.",'".$Tag_Type."','".$word."',$limit,$time");} //`Tag_ID` `Tag_Item_ID` `Tag_Type` `Tag_Tags` } } //---now tags are there get them again if ($sql->db_select("tag_main","*","Tag_Item_ID = ".$Tag_Item_ID." and Tag_Type ='".$Tag_Type."' ORDER BY Tag_Rank" , TRUE)) { while ($othertags = $sql->db_fetch()) { $link = $tagcloud->MakeSEOLink($othertags['Tag_Name']); $TAGS .= "".preg_replace("#_#"," ",$othertags['Tag_Name'])."   "; $EDITLIST .= $com.preg_replace("#_#"," ",$othertags['Tag_Name']); $com = ','; $meta .= $othertags['Tag_Name'].' '; } } } } $TAGS .= ""; //end tag style div //----------------------------------- // build output $string .= "".$TAGS; if ($TAGMOD) { $string .=" "; } $string .= "
"; //------------------------------------- //$string = $TAGS.$form; $text = $tp->parseTemplate($string)."\n"; return $text;